
Cat Wellness 101: A Holistic Approach to Feline Health

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4.1 The Role of Exercise in Cat Wellness

Cats are natural hunters and need physical activity for a healthy life. Discover creative ways to incorporate play and exercise into your cat’s routine, promoting not only physical fitness but mental stimulation.

4.2 Enriching Your Cat’s Environment

A stimulating environment is key to a happy cat. Explore ways to enrich your cat’s living space, from interactive toys to vertical spaces that tap into their climbing instincts.

Regular Vet Check-ups and Preventive Care

5.1 The Significance of Regular Check-ups

Regular vet visits are essential for preventive care. Learn why routine check-ups are crucial and how they can detect and address potential health issues before they become serious.

5.2 Vaccinations and Parasite Prevention

Stay on top of vaccinations and parasite prevention to safeguard your cat’s health. Understand the recommended schedule and types of vaccinations, as well as effective parasite prevention measures.

Grooming and Hygiene Practices

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